

The functions of the Fire Department Museum are not only as a museum ,but as a small-scale library of fire protection. It exhibits the historical and old-fashioned fire fighting documents and equipments, as well as offers an education on fire protection. Besides, a fire team is retained in the Museum to confirm the safety of the visitors.

Floors Guide

The First Floor
Service Counter
The counter serves as the entrance for the public. It offers guidance and information of the space use of every floors of the museum, as well as the information of exhibition.
Exhibition Hall
  • It exhibits the fire engines of Japanese Occupation.
  • The fire engines in the 1970s.
  • Exhibition of the fire fighting equipments of the earlier days (including life preservers, rope guns, warning bells, and aerial ladders of the Japanese Occupation ).
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Area of Fire Fighting
It serves as a training area for the public to learn how to extinguish fire. The details of training includes water fire extinguishers and fire pumps.
Area of Fire Fighting_01Area of Fire Fighting_02
Area of Escape Experiences
It serves as a training area for the public to learn how to extinguish fire. The details of training includes water fire extinguishers and fire pumps.
Area of Escape Experiences_01Area of Escape Experiences_03Area of Escape Experiences_04
Area of Earthquake Simulation
It serves as learning the methods and steps of personal protection when an earthquake occurs. It’s important to prepare for the disaster in the future in advance.
Area of Earthquake Simulation_02

The Second Floor
Exhibition Hall(2F)
The hall contains a CPR training area and an exhibition area of poles for firemen, interactive computers , fireproof clothes for firemen (those of the Japanese Occupation and the fireproof ones of recent years), a variety of fire protection brochure, and fire fighting equipments.
Exhibition Hall(2F)_01
Display of Ignition Sources
The type respectivly is:Septic Tank Blower、Trash Can、Extension Cord、God Lamp、Dehumidifier、No Fuse Breaker、Water Dispensers.
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Multimedia Area
It presents the propaganda clips of fire protection, through which the citizens are able to obtain a basic knowledge of fire protection and rescue skills.
Multimedia Area
Dynamic Exhibitions of Life Saving Models
Exhibition of dynamic life saving models and related videos screening.
Dynamic Exhibitions of Life Saving Models
3rd to 6th floor of the Campanile
The 3rd、fourth、fifth floor and the sixth for the air pictures of the downtown of Japanese Occupation and the megaphones of the earlier times, which are all exhibited with words, graphs, illustrations, and pictures.
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  • Visitor:126